Saturday, May 9, 2020



In childhood, they are fascinated, jolly and very competitive, curious, excitable and ingenious but skillful at flattery and unpredictable, naughty, bright-eyed and greedy. They are ambitious and manipulative. Having optimistic characters, and likely to try until succeed but selfish, pretentious and wily. When they become adult, they are ambitious and knowledgeable, good competition and planning, superiority and perfectionists but secrecy, egoism and jealous. Having high talent in seeking wealth, planning and demonstrating. Good management for their business financial affairs with great insistence until achieve. Being able to adopt policies, witty and agreeable, cheerful and energetic, and they are good partners. They like to celebrate evening parties and recreational activities. Moreover, being fun-lovers, dressed nicely but have complicated, mutable and careless attitudes.      
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In Chinese, Earth means stability, reliability, practicality, industry, and prudence. Being a passive and reliable, cool and collected nature, talented, honest and straightforward and devotion to duty. Having very kind and loving, integrity but over-conscientious with laws and regulations. Being optimistic, dependable and reliable. Having excellent inventiveness, self starters in business but too reliable on judgments on theories and hypotheses rather than on facts and have wishful thinking than to realities as well as conflict between desire and personal freedom. They are very attractive to the opposite sex but mostly they are unhappy in love affairs.


In Chinese, water means powers of reflection, sensitivity, and persuasiveness. Being cooperative, kind nature, patient and have compromise ability but speculative, secretive and lack of directions for their goals. Having under control, optimistic manner, prosperous and happiness life but loneliness, fluctuating temperament, elusive and disturbing and unkindness are sometimes happened in life. They are very sensitive to criticism. They don’t like others criticize to them but they insults to others. Because of their skills of flexibility, they can quickly solve the problems in emergency situation. Being feel anxious for the future and opportunism are their others natures.


In Chinese, fire means dynamism, passion, energy, aggression, and leadership. Being energetic, natural leader and innovator, self-assured and determined, expressive and imaginative but jealousy and stubbornness. Having concentration in professional field, competitive and creative manner, initiative and forceful mine but greedy, upset and Super idealistic.  Interested in politics, religion, history, medicine, human sciences, mass media, travels, education, astral experience, entertainment, or artistic and creative endeavors. They are lucky for risks and chances and generous and open-heartedness but having full control and opinionated and argumentative. In love, they like so much in the opposite sex, then they can fall in love very quickly; however, their marriages are strange for they like to do by accidence than by free choice. 


In Chinese, wood means imagination, creativity, idealism, and compassion. Having communications abilities and pioneering spirit, awareness, and very curious for opportunities but unpredictable natures. Being less wasting time, great creativity and imagination, sharp and ambitious, restless and workaholics, sympathetic and caring, sincerity and kind-heartedness, loyalty and tolerance but having conflicts between risks and challenge for newness, between controversy and concrete realities. Thus, their lives are unseen able between dramatic twists and turns. In love affairs, they are ups and downs with wild passion.


In Chinese metal means fixity, strength of will, fluency of speech. Being strong, like fighting, sophisticated and independent, high aspirations for business, warm, positive and self-conscious and proud. Being capable of making wise investments, fortitude, soaring ambition, hard working and practical, individualistic, successful but so stubborn. Having romantic spirit, passion. A problem solver, perfect self-control, great simplicity, sharp and inquisitive mind, gregarious and sociable, like to be alone and quiet and solitude; then, some what craziness. 

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